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Arlen Robinson here, founder and host of the eCommerce Marketing Podcast.

We have a diverse audience consisting of digital marketers, brand owners, ecommerce entrepreneurs all who listen weekly to our actionable ecommerce marketing advice from our expert of the week.

All our listeners are passionate about learning real advice on how to grow their ecommerce businesses so they are extremely active and engaged in each episode.

If this sounds like an audience that you would like to tap into then we would love to have you become a sponsor of our show.

Why Sponsor The Show?

You can expose your products and services to a growing listener base of thousands of Direct to consumer brands, digital marketers, and eCommerce entrepreneurs that trust our show and all the advice we give.

The eCommerce Marketing Podcast is downloaded by over 4,000 listeners a month and our average Apple Podcast rating is 5 stars.

Recent Reviews

Really enjoy the show
Arlen puts together a great podcast with very thoughtful and insightful questions! Really enjoy it!
mikebegg, 08/24/2020
Take a listen for definite success!
Get down to the nitty-gritty of developing your e-commerce business and listen to this podcast to efficiently and easily do just that!
hanabello, 07/08/2020
Lots of good info here
Arlen is a great host and asks the right questions. I'm learning a lot about how to grow my business smarter!
Davidkgetstherefast, 01/29/2020
Great Show
All eCommerce business owners and entrepreneurs need to tune in to listen to this podcast. There is so much valuable content packed in to each episode that will help you level up your marketing game!
KatieHBrooks, 09/06/2019
Great Info!
All things related to eCommerce marketing strategies. Excellent host and great info! Listen & learn!
Terri in Fairhope, 09/05/2019
Awesome eCommerce Podcast
You have to think about marketing as an eCommerce professional! This is a great resource and the l atest episode about SEO was very insightful.
Composer 1853, 09/05/2019

Show Format

Every episode of the eCommerce Marketing podcast contains actionable advice from various ecommerce experts from around the world. New episodes are published weekly with over 200 recorded episodes. The show has been in production since 2014.

Sponsorship Opportunities

#1 Platinum ~ $1,500
  • Show interview with the product/service founder about something that will help my audience and build even more trust, and then a mention of your product/service at the end. 25-30 minute show.
  • 15-30 second pre-show ad spot with me endorsing your product or service.
  • 4 episodes
  • One guest blog post
#2 Gold ~ $1000
  • Show interview with the product/service founder about something that will help my audience and build even more trust, and then a mention of your product/service at the end. 25-30 minute show.
  • 15-30 second pre-show ad spot with me endorsing your product or service
  • 4 episodes
**For all options, we require at least 4 episodes for a sponsorship.

Sponsorship Application